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Monday, July 16, 2012

Wow, 1 Kg This Bra Sale $ 1 Billion

Wow, 1 Kg This Bra Sale $ 1 Billion - BRA with a beautiful golden color and a sprinkling of diamonds, now is not a mirage. A jewelry company Birmingham Estate and Jewelry remove the bra models for sale to the public.

With a 500-carat diamond layer and 18 carat gold, these bras are sold at a price of Rp1 billion. Bra which is done by 40 workers in this year's output will be mistaken for imitating Victoria's Secret bra worn by Miranda Kerr last year and sold at a price of Rp2, 5 billion.

However, the Birmingham Estate and Jewelry reject it by making a statement that bra design is different from the output of Victoria's Secret.

"The difference between our bras by Victoria's Secret is located on the cloth and diamonds sewn on it. Bra collection we are really made ​​of gold and diamonds, without any mixture of fabrics," said Mr. Aubry of the Birmingham Estate and Jewelry, as reported by Dailymail.

Although the collection is very fancy, but weight is almost 1 kg bra that makes her uncomfortable to wear and can not move freely.


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Author: admin
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