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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The origins of Wolverine, Superhero by instinct Beast

For you fans of Marvel characters, must have been familiar with Wolverine. One member of the X-Men was known as a superhero who has a wild animal instincts. How does the origin of life?

Wolverine was born with the name James Howlett, but Logan has other calls or Weapon-X. Wolverine word itself comes from the name of the beast from California who is believed to be the devil incarnate.

Wolverine is the object of a Super Soldier Experiment, headed by William Stryker. Wolverine has a strong frame made ​​of adamantium, a metal species that exist only in the fictional Marvel Comics, here are three claws that can be in and out from between his fingers.

Before becoming the object of the experiment, Wolverine has had its own privileges as a mutant. He can heal a wound or illness itself quickly in addition to having the senses and the instincts of wild animals.

The specialty is what makes Stryker interested in making objects for experimental super soldiers. Then they create a team led by Wolverine.

But, after Wolverine know malicious intentions Wiliam Stryker, he then exit from the the organization it. After wandering for several years lost his mind, finally Wolverine X-Men into the organization leaders Charles Xavier, or Professor X who promised to help him to find his true identity.

Wolverine later became a permanent member of the organization X-Men, and help to prevent war between mutants and humans. Actor Hugh Jackman has played Wolverine character since the first film 'X-Men' in 2000.

Nine years later, Jackman starred in his own movie producer who raised the character of Wolverine through the 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'. At present the sequel to the film has started production with director James Mangold.

Well, in the film he will play the Silver Samurai, starring Korean actor-blooded Americans Will Yun Lee. But you must be patient to see their battle action. 'The Wolverine' will be released on July 26, 2013.     


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Author: admin
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