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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Expendables 2 Movie

Indonesia - In addition to The Avengers movie which is a collection of superheroes, this is the second series of the Film The Expendables. The film is a collection of actors in a play action screen. The Expendables first appeared in 2010. And the film The Expendables 2 is present in this year, dated August 17, 2012.

The Expendables is still as before, the film is still enlivened muscular actors like Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundregren, Bruce Wills and Arnold Schwarzenegger. But there are some top action stars of other perks, such as Chuck Norris, Liam Hemsworth, Jean Claude Van Damme.

Lionsgate is distributing the film The Expendables 2 forward with the addition of these players are sure the movie sequel will be more exciting and challenging.

The Expendables 2 story begins with Bruce Wills who served as Curch, which collect the members of The Expendables, and gave the task to attack the enemy's territory. But when the mission is executed, one of them killed. The Expendables initial mission was forced to turn into revenge.

Well, intrigued by the film The Expendables 2 this? Yes, we wait for its presence in theaters on August 17, 2012, but we'll see the leaked trailer of The Expendables 2 below :  

The Expendables 2 Trailer


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Author: admin
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