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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Men's Favorite Type of Kiss

Men's Favorite Type of Kiss - There are many little things that can bring you exciting agenda with him to be more exciting. One of them a kiss. Yes dear, who can resist a sensation when it touches the lips of the ears, lips, and neck. But you know, a kiss can lead to elevated levels of the hormone oxytocin, which affects the intimacy with the opposite sex and orgasm. Hmmm .. What kind of kiss that is very well liked by the men. Want to make him the helm when clashing kiss you? Momo said the following will be the types of kisses that are so favored men.

Kiss The Lip-Sucking
Lip-sucking kiss is the kind of kiss that usually leads you to have sex. Lip-sucking kiss performed by pulling on the upper lip or bottom pair, then suck each other's lips. Many men like the type of kiss is because they feel so challenged. So, if you want him getting stretched wild? Add a sigh in the middle of your action.

The Mid-Sex Kiss
That kiss is usually done when you and your partner are having sex, men really like this session because they feel more emotionally connected with her ​​partner.

The Simple Kiss
Simple things from now on you have to learn is a man so fond of when you gave him a light kiss. For example you can steal the opportunity to kiss him on the cheek, lips, or in any area at the time he was doing any activity. Although simple, it turns out it makes a lot of men's perfume hypnotized by the rest of your body and hair.

The Tongue Kiss
Well honey, kiss tongue, or commonly known as a french kiss can also be an apt moment to subdue him. Because the sensitive nerves are capable of causing stimulation of the tongue in seconds. So, what are you waiting for? Go kiss him! (Mohammed Muktar / IR / Image: Thinkstock)


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Author: admin
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