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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Five Ways To Stay Warm Relationship

Five Ways To Stay Warm Relationship - Create a relationship that started boring into hot again is not easy. Especially for those who have a long relationship with a partner. But do not be afraid, dear! Cosmo got special ways to help you warm up the relationship that has begun to sour.

Be a Good Listener
You have a duty to listen more reliable, especially during the fight. Try to listen to what he wanted to. That way, you can understand the problem from a different perspective and find a win-win solution.

Compromise with couples
Make a man willing to compromise is not an easy think. But if you can create it, we can be sure the relationship will go much easier. Maybe it could start with simple problems, such as make a compromise in choosing movies to watch at weekends.

Express Love
For those of you that have been long enough in a relationship, express love, tend to have rarely done. But starting now, devote some time to just say, "I love you," to the couple, then the relationship would be even warmer.

Mutual Trust
Trust is the key of a relationship! With the growing mutual trust on both sides, the relationship will be more mature but still responsible. In addition because you can not monitor him 24 hours, the trust can also train partner loyalty.

Sexy and Confident
Look sexy and confident, will make him try as hard as possible to maintain the relationship. Especially if you can show it on the bed. Uhmmm .. surely he would be reluctant to move away umtuk. (Febrina / VP / Image: iStockphoto / Thinkstock)


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Author: admin
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