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Friday, July 6, 2012

Dress Shoes and Kind

Dress Shoes and Kind - Loafers Is the worst kind of dress shoes for a man, a synthetic leather material that is very subtle and the toe box silhoutte not to compliment your outfit. So now the upgrade is your formal shoes, but first of all first identify the types of dress shoes have anything.

Well it was mentioned having a certain slip on loafers, what the hell the types of dress shoes that?

Dress shoes
Dress shoes are shoes that are usually worn for smart casual event (semi formal) to formal. Dress shoes men berwarana usually brown or black, but there are many other colors such as burgundy, oxblood, chestnut, cordovan and white. (Cordovan and Oxblood is quite popular in the United States). These shoes are usually made ​​of leather.

The basic forms of dress shoes are:

A. Oxford (Balmoral)

Model of this Shoe using a rope to tighten the shoe where the leather laces where sewn under the toe.

B. Bluchers (Derby)

Almost the same as Oxford, but the strap is stitched over the toe Sepat, to consider a lot of sellers on the internet that said Blucher as Oxford. This is a potentially fatal mistake, because it is considered more informal than Blucher Oxford. And Blucher could not be combined with a tuxedo, unlike the case with oxford.

For more details and Blucher Oxford difference can be seen in the picture below :

C. Monk / Monk Strap
This model does not use a shoe string, but using some sort of strap to tighten the shoe.There is a shoe model who holds a strap or two straps, with a variety of models. This model is very rarely seen in Indonesia, and if you use it will definitely be a woman's attention.

Brown Monkstrap Shoes

 Brown Double Monkstrap

D. Loafer / Slip On

This shoe model does not use a rope or strap to tighten the shoe. There are several different types of popular classic loafers, some of them :

Penny: One of the models are quite popular loafers, penny's name was actually due to the small hole at the top of the shoe is usually by the ancient nobility put a penny coin.

Tassel: The model that was quite popular and decorative, his trademark is an ornament that hangs on his shoes.

Bit: Model loafers this one has the characteristic of a metal which is placed like in the picture.

Well after learning the basic forms of dress shoes, there's one more thing that makes dress shoes are so unique, (and sometimes quite confusing) the brogue or decoration. More details, maybe you've seen shoes like this :

Blucher boots shoes above are (remember it is not Oxford) with wingtip Brogue, but actually there are other types of decorations are present, including:

A. Full Brogues (wingtip)

This is the model as the previous image, characterized by toe cap shaped like a wing and has decorative holes.

B. Semi Brogues (Half-Brogues)

This model is similar to the wingtip, but the difference is only decorative arch-shaped just like the picture above or otherwise known as Cap Toe.

C. Quarter Brogues

The model has a cap toe shoes, but no-frills model of the hole like other Brogue, sometimes the toe cap is also shaped like a wingtip.

Well now you know models of shoes dress shoes, so no more invitations to wear loafers. Upgrade your shoes Dress !


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Author: admin
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