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Saturday, July 7, 2012

3 Types of Men's Shoes Have A Mandatory

3 Types of Men's Shoes Have A Mandatory - Many of the men I meet do not care about the shoes they wear. Their shoes dirty, wrinkled or damaged I often encounter when we were meeting with them.This happens not necessarily because they are lazy to take care of him, but could have been because of the shoes they have is not much. It is important to have lots of stock shoes. Because the same if the shoe is used continuously in a variety of events or places, the shoes will be broken and not maintained.

Here are the types of shoes that you should have at least :

1. Dress Shoe

These types of shoes used for formal occasions, or for your daily life in the office. Dress Shoe usually black, but lately a lot also appears Dress Shoe of brown or white.

2.Casual Shoes

Used for casual occasions. You may not always be in the formal activities is not it? Weekend else you need to have a fun activity outside. Go hangout with friends or family recreation.

3. Athletic / Sport Shoes

I rarely see men who do not like sports. Exercise can become a lifestyle for some men. A healthy lifestyle and trendy are you supposed to do. Body workout, and other types of exercise that would have a special shoe. If you are fond of a particular sport, have a few pairs of shoes for the sport. But in fact I often see men who use sneakers or casual shoes for sports.


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Author: admin
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